Here are some links to poetry, fiction, and other writing that appear online. Thanks to the editors of these journals for including my work.
My short-short story "Divorce Party" appeared in 100 Word Story. The magazine also anthologized the story in the collection, Nothing Short of 100.
My prose poem, "The Minor Deities," appeared online via The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts.
The online journal, The Museum of Americana, pubished three of my flash fiction pieces.
My flash fiction story, "Paradoxes of the Space-Time Continuum" appears online via Passages North.
The online project, "What Rough Beast," featured my poem, "Minor Late Empire Diversions," which is the working title of a new chapbook.
Reviews, etc.
Michigan Radio asked me to contribute an appreciation of a Michigan writer. I chose to highlight historian and memoirist, Bruce Catton: Michigan Radio.